Universitą degli studi di Pavia


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Coordinator Prof. Anna Maria Picco

Department of Earth and Environment Sciences
Address: Via S.Epifanio,14, 27100 Pavia (Italy)
Phone + 39 0382-984874
e-mail: annamaria.picco@unipv.it
website:  http://phdesg.unipv.eu

The PhD in Experimental Ecology and Geobotany is a broad interdisciplinary programme in different aspects of Botany, Mycology, Zoology, and marine, freshwaterand terrestrial Ecology. Activities are carried out both in the Department involved in the Doctorate, and in other national and international scientific institutions. The PhD programme includes both experimental research and courses with advanced lectures and seminars in Ecology. Research and learning activities are also based on international programmes such as MARES (www.mares-eu.org), funded through the Erasmus Mundus initiative.

The main objective of the doctorate is to provide young graduates with a high level of scientific, technical and professional qualification in ecological disciplines. The PhD students will be trained in planning and valuating their own experimental, ecological investigations. Students will gain exposure to ecological research methods; learn to pose ecological questions; learn to design and implement studies to answer ecological questions; gain experience reading, analysing and discussing scientific literature; practice analysing and interpreting ecological data.

The main research topics are the following:
• Aquatic Systems Ecology: bio-index; risk assessment of introduction of alien species;
• Plant Ecology: biodiversity, agro and natural ecosystem, seed conservation;
• Dendroecology: tree growth, forest dynamics;
• Fungal Ecology: fungi in soil, water, air and living organisms, bioremediation, biocontrol;
• Nature Conservation: threatened species reintroduction, species and communities management;
• Behavioural Ecology: habitat selection, reproductive behaviour, sexual selection; bioacoustics, animal communication;
• Climate Change.

The available courses are:
• Analysis and applications of fungal ecology;
• Global changes and impact on ecosystems;
• Applied statistics;
• Molecular techniques applied to ecology;
• Impact of global climate change on oceans;
• Fuzzy logic techniques for ecological surveys*;
• Effects of climate warming and acidification on marine bioconstructors*;
• Scuba diving visual census techniques*;
• Geographic Information Systems;
• Entrepreneurship.
Students present a yearly report as a periodic assessment of their achievements.

*in collaboration with MARES

The main job opportunities are the following:
Academic position in Universities; public and private institutions; local agencies; governmental organizations with interest in ecology and the environment; public administration; public and private research laboratories; freelance.

Coordinator: Prof. Anna Maria Picco
Department of Earth and Environment Science – Mycology lab
Address: Via S. Epifanio, 14 – 27100 Pavia - Italy
Ph.: + 39 0382- 984874
e-mail: annamaria.picco@unipv.it
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